Thursday, March 28, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Appliances


One has to stretch the imagination to come up with appliance art.  Sorry, no photos to share this week.  I am not in the habit of photographing my appliances 😁
So the Looney Tunes characters are up to no good today ... 

If you have a dryer and a cat, you probably know what is about to happen here.  I have to check any time I close my dryer lest I tumble dry our Diva ...

All for today.  Spring keeps trying to break through, but I am guessing we have at least one more winter blast to contend with.  Hope you have a Wonderful Easter Weekend ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


CAAC said...

Oh these are delightfully funny and well done! Thanks for the giggles, my dear. I hope y'all have a blessed Easter weekend! xo

Christine said...

Wonderful appliance photos Andrea!

Gillena Cox said...

Nice appliance just open and indulge, well if you are thisty😊
Happy Thursday

peppylady (Dora) said...

Bugs sure has a clean floor and looks like Tweety still getting on Sylvester nerves.

Soma @ said...

They are wonderfully fun!! I keep my dryer door closed at all times for that reason.


Tom said...

...spring is a tug-a-war between winter and summer. Take care and have a Happy Easter.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Call me shallow, but I too have resisted taking pictures of my appliances, difficult though that has been. The sensuous curves of the dryer door draw me in, the angularity of the washing machine door evokes mechanical drawing classes long ago, and the toaster popping up in that burst of enthusiasm conjures images I had better not admit to. The stove with all its heat sits close to the refrigerator where food is kept in its icy grip, and moths are sometimes lulled into torpor so that I may photograph and measure them. Oh the diversity of it all. Perhaps I do need to look for my camera. That green tinge to the ancient mozzarella will make a lovely shot……

Rain said...

Ha ha, love your sneaky Tunes art today! Poor Daffy lol! Well done Andrea, you managed to show us some great art despite being stumped!!! ☺

Jeanie said...

These are absolutely delightful! Happy Easter!

Fundy Blue said...

Happy Easter, Andrea! I enjoyed your appliance art. I do have pictures of my appliances, but I just got back in town this evening, so no appliances on my post. Have a great week!

Ariel said...

¿Está buscando un préstamo? ¿Préstamos personales o comerciales?
Me sentí tan devastado cuando mi negocio estaba cayendo debido a la situación financiera hasta que encontré al Sr. Pedro y el sitio web de su compañía de préstamos en funcionamiento, luego los contacté por correo electrónico:  y Telegram / whatsapp +393510140339 y luego me dieron un términos y condiciones sobre cómo funcionan los préstamos, estaba contento porque estaban dispuestos a financiar mi negocio con la cantidad de 86.000,00 libras con un reembolso del préstamo del 2% de rendimiento anual para expandir mi negocio. Todo el proceso fue muy transparente y rápido. Gracias.
Este mensaje es para que usted lo ayude a superarlo.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...