Thursday, December 12, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Excuses, Excuses ...

Excuses, Excuses ...

I post this picture every Christmas because every Christmas I seem to be overwhelmed with all there is to do to be ready for Christmas.  I always think I am going to start early and ease my way into the season without getting stressed, but I have to make Christmas Cards, then there is my annual book (some of you know about) and the shopping, wrapping, stuffing of stockings, planning and cooking the meals etc. etc. ...
WELL, my intentions were good, but then my daughter took a fall a while back and she has ended up in a nursing home in a wheel chair.  So, mother that I am, I make it a point to visit her daily and bring her some decent food (have you ever eaten  Nursing Home food 😝?
 Next, and this is a good thing, my Granddaughter set her wedding date for December 21st, in Denver, Colorado (outside, if you can believe it).  I am thrilled for her and her fiancé but really ... 4 days before Christmas and 1000 miles away.  And, of course, since we are going to be out there we have to stay long enough to get in some Tubing (no, at my age, I don't ski) and sight seeing which all requires wardrobe additions to say nothing of something elaborate to wear to the "formal" wedding.  
Mind you, I am not complaining.  I love that my Granddaughter is getting married and that it is Christmas time and that I will be flying to Colorado and everything else about it ... but then, when do I have time to shop for Christmas, wrap presents, create, print and mail Christmas cards, finish my annual book, plan and prepare a Christmas dinner, put up a Christmas tree and decorate the house inside and out.  So, you say, why do all of that?  Well, I have another Granddaughter who is here and we do it for her.  She will not be around much longer as she will be graduating High School in 2 years, so we want to spend as much time with her as we can.  To get to my point ... something had to give and sadly it was my "Rain Frances Creations" post.  The one thing that I do for my own pleasure had to be set aside for all good reasons, but I have missed all of you and look forward to chatting with you on a weekly basis (per our comment options).  Since I doubt that I will be able to post until after the New Year, I want to wish you all a wonderful, family and friend filled Holiday Season and I won't say I am looking forward to next year because the reality of our recent election will come into play.  I will be escaping reality by joining all of you on our blogs.  Fingers crossed we survive the next four years.

Andrea @ From the Sol


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Chicago Botanical Gardens Fabric Art Show

Not that I have anything against Pizza ... but once again I am opting to deviate from Rain's prompt.  I recently attended this show with my friend, as I do every year, and every year it is more amazing.  So I chose to share it with you (especially for Gene Black, who, if he didn't live so far away, would have beautiful art in this show).  Enjoy ... 

 Chicago Botanical Gardens Fabric Art Show

So much to choose from, but this elephant was by far my favorite, not only for the skill in achieving it, but I have loved elephants since a very young age.  I would hang this on my wall if I could.  
So, that's it for this week ... it is snowing outside today, so I have to face the fact that it is winter.  I love winter snows, but do not enjoy the gray days of which there are many.  So I hope the sun is shining in your life today ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Fall

             I apologize ... I am deviating from the given
             prompt ... I don't know how to draw 
           "Charcuterie" and I don't have any pictures
            that I recall (sorry to disappoint).  So instead 
           I have gathered some of my "2024 Fall" pictures.
           Hope you enjoy :)

I know, too many pictures.  I love fall and I can't resist the temptation to take pictures every time I see an awesome tree ... and there have been many.  I assure you, I have many more I could share, but I will spare you that.  Enjoy the Fall weather while it lasts.  We are already seeing signs of winter ... brief, but cold 😒

Andrea @ From The Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...