Thursday, December 12, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Excuses, Excuses ...

Excuses, Excuses ...

I post this picture every Christmas because every Christmas I seem to be overwhelmed with all there is to do to be ready for Christmas.  I always think I am going to start early and ease my way into the season without getting stressed, but I have to make Christmas Cards, then there is my annual book (some of you know about) and the shopping, wrapping, stuffing of stockings, planning and cooking the meals etc. etc. ...
WELL, my intentions were good, but then my daughter took a fall a while back and she has ended up in a nursing home in a wheel chair.  So, mother that I am, I make it a point to visit her daily and bring her some decent food (have you ever eaten  Nursing Home food 😝?
 Next, and this is a good thing, my Granddaughter set her wedding date for December 21st, in Denver, Colorado (outside, if you can believe it).  I am thrilled for her and her fiancé but really ... 4 days before Christmas and 1000 miles away.  And, of course, since we are going to be out there we have to stay long enough to get in some Tubing (no, at my age, I don't ski) and sight seeing which all requires wardrobe additions to say nothing of something elaborate to wear to the "formal" wedding.  
Mind you, I am not complaining.  I love that my Granddaughter is getting married and that it is Christmas time and that I will be flying to Colorado and everything else about it ... but then, when do I have time to shop for Christmas, wrap presents, create, print and mail Christmas cards, finish my annual book, plan and prepare a Christmas dinner, put up a Christmas tree and decorate the house inside and out.  So, you say, why do all of that?  Well, I have another Granddaughter who is here and we do it for her.  She will not be around much longer as she will be graduating High School in 2 years, so we want to spend as much time with her as we can.  To get to my point ... something had to give and sadly it was my "Rain Frances Creations" post.  The one thing that I do for my own pleasure had to be set aside for all good reasons, but I have missed all of you and look forward to chatting with you on a weekly basis (per our comment options).  Since I doubt that I will be able to post until after the New Year, I want to wish you all a wonderful, family and friend filled Holiday Season and I won't say I am looking forward to next year because the reality of our recent election will come into play.  I will be escaping reality by joining all of you on our blogs.  Fingers crossed we survive the next four years.

Andrea @ From the Sol



David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hope you have a truly wonderful time, Andrea, but this makes me so glad we don’t celebrate Christmas. We will carry on in our normal tranquil way, and be happy and free of stress. Hugs - David

peppylady (Dora) said...

Not much Christmas is going here.

Elephant's Child said...

Heart felt hugs and oceans of caring are flowing your way.

EricaSta said...

Three times YES. We say "stade Zeit" before X-Mas evening. Meaning silent time in Advent. But what happens? It's loud. We need the calm. It's become older? Maybe! But speaking with young people at least, they’ll like calm too.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It's always a pleasure to read here.

Jeanie said...

Oh Andrea, I hear you. I think I AM you, just with different stuff. But the same feelings of "I want to do it," "It's going so fast," "How will I get the things done I want and need to without going crazy?" and "Really? Four days before Christmas?!" And no, it's not complaining, it's stating the facts. Trouble is, we want to do it all -- and we probably will. But we will pay a price, a price we forfeit gladly, and yet . . . So, I wish you all good things in the next few weeks. I know once things get in progress that you will have a wonderful time. Meanwhile, I send healing wishes to your daughter. I didn't know about her accident and if it was my kid, I'd do the same. I'm with you on the next four years. I'm not sure how we'll make it either. One day at a time!

Rostrose said...

Dear Andrea, that really sounds like a lot of stress - I hope you can at least reduce it a little. For us, Christmas is a very quiet, stress-free celebration, despite having a daughter and grandson. Spending time together is more important than, for example, beautifully wrapped presents or a Christmas tree, a decorated house or an elaborate Christmas meal. I think your second granddaughter understands that too. Or you can celebrate on a different day... (I'm always in favor of creative solutions before it gets too stressful 😉)
I wish you and everyone who is important to you a healthy, peaceful and happy New Year with many wonderful moments! Don't worry too much about the yellow-haired one, because worries don't change anything. Let's try to live, to enjoy, to see the beautiful things... And if things get really bad, we can still be afraid...
Best wishes, Traude

 Insanity - The state of being seriously mentally ill, madness! Sound like anyone you know???