Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thrusday Art & Dinner Date! ... Dining Room Furniture

 Dining Room Furniture

I have but one lowly little sketch/digital piece of art for you this week.  I strongly suspect I could have found some photo's of dining room Furniture in my files, but failed to find the time to look for them.  Hopefully I will do better next week :)
Meanwhile, enjoy your week everyone ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


Elephant's Child said...

How I love your artwork.
Have a wonderful week.

My name is Erika. said...

Ha ha. I love this. Happy Thursday Andrea. hugs-Erika

Christine said...

This is great!

Gillena Cox said...

LOL. Nice one


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great submission, Andrea. You do come up with the good stuff. Yesterday I saw another cartoon character on the news. He was called Donald Trump. He’s not funny though. Malevolent and dangerous would be a more apt description.

Tom said...

...what, no carrots?

Carola Bartz said...

This one made me laugh, Andrea! Great idea.

Fundy Blue said...

What a funny piece, Andrea! We all need laughter in our lives. We all do the best we can to keep up with our posts. I've given up any pretense of following the prompts. I miss Rain's blog so much. She has become a good friend over the years. We are scheming to find a way to meet in person next summer. Have a happy and productive week! xox

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...