Thursday, March 2, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! Warm Colors

 Warm Colors 


Control Fire?


I think I got snubbed last week ... I had only one comment from a person who I don't know (but do appreciate).  Is there a problem that I don't know about?  Anyway, if at first you don't succeed, try, try ......  😕

Andrea @ From the Sol  


Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Hi Andrea,
Working this week, but before I entered your blog gives a warning about sensitive content. Not sure what Blogger is up to now. Sheesh!
So much to admire here. Love the kitty and the bird and sunflower painting.
Spectacular photos!

Christine said...

Wonderful warm colours Andrea! I also got that sensitive content warning but happy to be able to leave a comment hear, I couldn't get in last week!

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous color photos and love the little frog and kitty too ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Tom said... Andrea, these warm color are HOT! I hope that the problem is fixed and that I will be able to stop by again. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

NatureFootstep said...

wow, your art is not only warm, they are hot!
I remeber seeing the lady with the long head before. It is still a faborite :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You give a whole other meaning to warm colours, Andrea. They are sizzling. It never ceases to impress me that you can come up with so many interesting images for these various challenges, and all of high quality too, with interesting variations on a common theme. I hope your comment issues have been resolved and this one shines through. If not I will have to throw a tantrum and nobody wants that! All the best - David

Rostrose said...

Dear Andrea,
this is a true firework of images with warm colors, I'm thrilled with your compilation! I hope my comment gets through to you - and I want to thank you for your lovely comments on my blog! In the comment to my previous post you wrote, among other things, "Vultures are eaters of carrion and I have never known of a time when they ate something alive and especially moving..." I felt the same way, but now I know: they are mostly scavengers , but can sometimes also tear living prey. And unfortunately also baby turtles... Sad but true.
All the best - Traude❤️

Rain said...

Hey Andrea, the sensitive comment thing...Blogger is having major issues, I can't even back up my blog anymore which makes me nervous...

I love all of the pieces you showed today! That first art piece gave me some wild energy!!

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