Looks to me like she is frowning ...
Had I know that when I had her on my hand, I would have been nervous :(
Andrea @ From the Sol
My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...
She is scary. I am shivering just looking at her in your hand. You are very brave, Andrea.
Good capture.
Oh I love this so much. Thank you for joining FFO. Have a nice day.
From what I know of tarantulas, Andrea, they rarely bite humans, and in fact make interesting pets. Most people are freaked out by them, however, and you were very bold to let this one on your hand. Even if they do bite their venom is much less potent than a bee sting, but I am sure you knew all of this before handling it. Best wishes - David
I actually like spiders (not snakes though). So very nice face this week. I really like it, but I'm not sure I'd want to be surprised to find one of these crawling one me. Smile. Happy weekend Andrea.
I think you scared my Friday face! Delightful. There's always a bigger picture going then. We know. So many sides trying to get us upset. Just keep your humanity and listen to your heart. If you're interested in news, make sure you check every side, even foreign sources. I think every generation as they age feel that the world is in a very bad way. And yet somehow the younger generation manages to continue. Best wishes to you my friend
wow, you got a really good shot at her. Love it! And ypur bravery to hold her.
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