Friday, November 18, 2022

Thursday Art & Dinner Date ... Cup


Cuppa ...

That is a Hadley hand painted cup from Kentucky Buffy is knocking around ...( very collectable :), but clearly Buffy isn't impressed :)

Struggling with my computer ...  Don't ask !  :(  These are all old art ... best I could do for now.  Better late than never :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the foam art in the cappuccino -- I'd love to put my own face in there!

Elephant's Child said...

And hoping your 'puter issues are resolved quickly.

Christine said...

Lovely cups

Tom said...

...fancy dancy.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Computer issues have a way of driving me crazy in a manner no other event in my life does! So, you have my great sympathy, and the sincere wish that things are back to normal soon. Such a lovely face on the coffee! The best memory of this practice of enhancing a cappuccino occurred in Scotland, when the owner of a small coffee bothy, realizing that I was (am) Canadian added a maple leaf to the foam. Now that's service!

Jeanie said...

It may be old art to you, but it's new to me and I like them all (but especially Buffy and the cup!) You really capture cat joy in that one. I'm having printer issues, which is frustrating. It says it's offline but everything is hooked (and rehooked) appropriately. I might have to call in reinforcements!

Thanks for your visits and wonderful comments on Marmelade Gypsy. They are so appreciated!

Rain said...

I adore your sense of humour! Love your face in the cup hee hee! And Buffy is having a grand time! ♥♥

NatureFootstep said...

lol. love your creamy portrait in the cup COOL! :)

Kimberly said...

Let me share this on your lovely blog, A neighbor of mine developed dementia & diabetes, then her husband died, no children or family nearby. I am thankful our closest neighbor, an African American woman, introduced Dr Itua Herbal Medicine, A traditional herbal doctor in which we purchased a herbal product for her through his Dr Itua online herbs store. A former social worker stepped in and led the way to place the widow in a care facility. We visit nearly every week until she finishes drinking Dr Itua herbal medicines, if possible. The two of us take simple games, puzzles, and matching cards to do with her, staying about 2 hours. Jenga, Trouble, puzzles 100pcs or less, 20 cards to match (total-not 40!). The fishing game where the fish open and shut their mouths as they go around is lots of fun! We sit and chat with her until she gets well again, then we pull out a game and the three of us laugh together as we play. We take a variety of things to do so that we won't get bored. She finished Dr Itua herbal medicines and she's fine now and doing better with the help of Dr Itua herbal medicines, Dr Itua cures different illnesses with his herbal medicines. Anyone having a sick person should reach Dr Itua email Dr Itua Cure Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis, We hug and hold hands a lot. Having two of us go together really helps. But I can go alone, my neighbor cannot, as she saw so much of this during her years as a social worker. I hope this specific list helps others in this situation.

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...