Thursday, August 25, 2022

Thursday Art & Dinner Date ... Gestures and Movement

 Gestures and Movement
I used to carry my camera with me everywhere and tried to capture shots that had movement, though at the time I wasn't looking just for movement but interest.  Movement, however, has played a big part of my photography so I have many pictures to show you and many that were left behind.  

Cooper's Hawk

Da Boyz

I took this while riding on the elephant  behind these two :)

On the Mekong River, in Thailand ...

Taken at 6:30 am at the International Crane Foundation.

Diva, the devil child living up to her reputation :)

More of Da Boyz (Chachi and Fonzi)

Hawk Moth

If you look closely, you will see why they are taking off :)

Playing just before letting us in to pet them :0
The following pictures are more Graphic Art ...

I know it is a lot to take in ... hope I didn't bore you. 
I love this gesture ... it shows a kindness of heart that I wish we all had.  

And, finally, something I can't take credit for .  My Granddaughter made it for a teacher ( she took him one piece and we gorged ourselves on the rest of it).  At age 13 she has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up, but when asked in class she came up with owning a bake shop (heaven knows where that came from ... as she has said, she loves to bake, but hates to clean up :) The teacher then replied that she should bring him something she has baked ... and thus, the Chocolate - Peanut butter  Cheese cake :)
It is delicious and the recipe is readily available if anyone is interested.  I will warn you, there is nothing homemade in it (unlike Rain's wonderful creations).  It is all store bought ingredients including a premade Oreo pie crust :) 
We are having fall like weather here and it is wonderful ... temperature in the 70's and a mild cool breeze.  I am loving it while it lasts.  That's it for me this week.  Hope you are all doing well ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


Jeanie said...

Motion is so hard to capture and you rocked it! I especially love the opening grill shot with the sparks but there are so many fabulous photos here, you more than rose to the challenge!

That cake looks to die for. Are you sure it made it to the teacher?

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Andrea, your photos are wonderful, love them all. Your flying cats made me laugh, and I was a bit envious seeing the elephants! Thanks for sharing those wonderful pics! Hugs, Valerie

kathyinozarks said...

Good afternoon, I Love your photos very much, and perfect for the theme.
the cats were fun too dessert looks delicious Happy Thursday Kathy

Elephant's Child said...

Wow, wow and wow. Bored? Wash your mouth out. I was delighted and awed.

My name is Erika. said...

Catching movement is definitely your photographic thing. These are amazing. And your pie looks soooo yummy. I hope your weather stays cool. I wish you could send some our way-smile. Happy rest of your week Andrea. hugs-Erika

DVArtist said...

OMGosh what an excellent post. The photos are amazing. I mean brilliant. Uhhh yeahhhhh... on the peanut butter - chocolate cheese cake. I will take 2 pieces please. Have a lovely evening.

Christine said...

Wonderful examples of the theme!

Tom said...

...things sure on the move in your world! Slow down and enjoy the flowers.💙💛🌻!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great photographs, Andrea. I am especially fond of the Cooper's Hawk bounding along the ground, but there is much of interest throughout. All the best - David

Carola Bartz said...

Andrea, what an exquisite collection of photos you show us here, and your graphic art is very impressive as well. The Cooper's Hawk is wonderful! Of course I love Da Boyz, how could I not! My my, that cake - your granddaughter seems to be a great baker - doesn't matter that all the ingredients were store bought. It doesn't have any calories, right?
Thank you so much for your long and kind comment on my blog. I wish I could reply to it via email. Indeed, there seems to be a lot that we share. I had to laugh about the story of the Red Shouldered Hawk - it seemed to have worked though! We have Red Tailed Hawks as well, but the Red Shouldered ones seem to be more prominent. This spring there was a Red Tailed Hawk pair having a nest close by, I saw them quite often which was wonderful as well.

carol l mckenna said...

Your 'movement' photography is awesome ~ Wow! love it all ~ and yummy cheesecake recipe ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~ Xo

A ShutterBug Explores ~
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Rostrose said...

Dear Andrea,
your photos are great movement studies, exciting and interesting! And you show several cat photos, which makes me very happy. You also wrote me that when you travel you feel the temptation to take cats with you ;-) I can understand that, sometimes I've fallen in love with cats when travelling... but I leave them where they are, sometimes that's really hard. Our old cat Nina wouldn't accept any more cats anyway. For years she was upset that we brought her the baby cat Maxwell when she was one year old. (Maxwell died in August 2021 and they never became friends, although he obviously wished they were.)
Your granddaughter's cake looks very tempting. I'm curious as to what career she will actually choose. My daughter started baking when she was a schoolgirl, too, and actually learned the trade of confectioner in the most renowned confectionery in Vienna. But after three years she got an allergy to flour; she had to give up after successfully passing her final exam and learn a new job. She retrained and became a kindergarten teacher. But at the moment she is at home with her little son Jamie (9 months old).
Happy weekend and all the best from Austria

NatureFootstep said...

lol. yes Andrea, you got a lot of motion in here. It must have taken you hours just to find them and then creating the post.
My favorite image is the running squirrel, can´t remember it´s name!
Also the elephant and crane photos :) Lots of great stuff today. :)

Dawn Hart said...

Andrea, these photos are amazing, sorry I've not kept in contact, but I'm back blogging again at last, although not as prolifically as before, it took a long time to get over the lost of Badger Boo. I now have Boris and Eko a couple of delinquent cocker spaniels

Dawn xxx

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