Thursday, December 16, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Christmas Present

Christmas Present


I am cheating a bit here because this is my Christmas past, present and future ... Always seems to be the same.  I would deny, adamantly, that I procrastinate when it comes to wrapping presents, but none the less, this seems to be me on Christmas Eve.  

To make matters worse many other issues are raising their ugly head in my life right now and it is hard to get into the Christmas spirit.  To say nothing of the fact that my family (except FH and myself) are all gone so there is no one here to celebrate with.  So, lest I start sounding like I am feeling sorry for myself (which I am), I will just wish you all a Wonderful and Safe Christmas ... and can we hope for some "white"? 

Andrea @ From the  Sol  


David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think that is some respects Christmas is a self-inflicted curse. We don't make a big deal of it at all and in most respects the days come and go like the others. We are not curmudgeons, we are not grouches, we simply din't buy into all the hype and thereby set ourselves up for disappointment. I think we are happy, healthy, well-adjusted people with myriad interests in life - and we plan to stay that way!

Elephant's Child said...

All I want for Christmas is Boxing Day - when the fuss is over, I can point hungry people to the fridge and I will (hopefully) have a new book or two to savour.
I hear you on the gift wrapping too.
All the very best of the season to you.

Christine said...

Christmas is a difficult time for many. Have a wonderful one Andrea, nice submission today for Christmas present.

Rain said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling good about Christmas!! I LOVE the art though, your face in that illustration is perfect! I got your lovely Christmas card!!! Thank you so much! I will treasure the photos of your furries!!! ♥♥♥

Gillena Cox said...

Christmas put one in a tizzy and can make you dizzy


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am making my gifts this year. Haven't started, though, My friends know me and know I'm either terribly early or terribly late. I love what you have drawn, dear. It sure telss how stressful Christmas can get.

Leigh said...

Made me smile!

Tom said... best to you for warm and Merry Christmas.

DVArtist said...

I love this art. It's perfect. I don't do Christmas, not for 40 years. No stress at all for me. Except for the people who ask why don't you celebrate? LOL

Elderberry-Rob said...

This is fun, hope things get less stressful for you.

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea. I am sorry to learn you feel low. I met with my daughter and her family, two weeks ago and I am fine with that. I stopped celebrating christmas about 15 years ago. And don´t miss it! I just decorate with a few things. I have a star and a tiny tree. And for dinner I am still cooking the ham from my grandmothers recipe. That´s pretty much all.

You asked me two weeks ago if I knew some online free photoeditors. I found some and thought I made a not of them. And lost it of course.
Today I did it again. I have 4 links you can try. You don´t have to upload any software. You can try them and playaround to see what you like. Myself I might think the pixlr and lunapic is most fun.

Here is the links:
Have fun and have a nice christmas.
Monica /NatureFootstep

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...