Thursday, December 23, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Christmas Future

 Christmas Future 

I will love Rudolph even as a robot :)

Wishing you all a warm, comphy, safe and lazy (restful) Holiday!

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Christmas Present

Christmas Present


I am cheating a bit here because this is my Christmas past, present and future ... Always seems to be the same.  I would deny, adamantly, that I procrastinate when it comes to wrapping presents, but none the less, this seems to be me on Christmas Eve.  

To make matters worse many other issues are raising their ugly head in my life right now and it is hard to get into the Christmas spirit.  To say nothing of the fact that my family (except FH and myself) are all gone so there is no one here to celebrate with.  So, lest I start sounding like I am feeling sorry for myself (which I am), I will just wish you all a Wonderful and Safe Christmas ... and can we hope for some "white"? 

Andrea @ From the  Sol  

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Christmas Past

 Christmas Past

My Scrooge looks too young and not so Bah Humbug, but so be it ... :)
And,  I dug out a few old Christmas pictures and some old Christmas cards.  Believe me I could have filled a book , but lucky for you, my time was short ... 

My Christmas cards from Christmas past ...

My Mother always made her own Christmas cards ...
This is Mopsy's Angel.  She ended up showing up in several cards and other places and my mother was known for her.  Mopsy, by the way was my mothers nick name :)

She almost always drew from current events ... if there was something going on that was worth commenting on.   The one above was drawn during an economic downturn and below the inside of the card said " Mini Christmas and Hippy New Year".  

We always opened a present on Christmas Eve and my kids always got a new pair of pjs to wear so, of course, they would look awesome when I took pictures :)

That's all for now ... pretty skimpy, but  I still wish you all a wonderful holiday ... now is the time for shopping and cards :)  Stay well so you can enjoy :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Gingerbread


I haven't done gingerbread since my kids were young (my youngest will turn 50 next year), so I have no photos to share with you today.  I did whip up a little gingerbread man though.  It is winter and Christmas is near ... are you ready?  😝

Andrea @ From the Sol 

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...