Thursday, February 4, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... February Films - Westerns


February Films - Westerns

I know we just had this conversation about Roy Rogers being my favorite as a child and Lone Ranger being my sister's favorite.  We used to play at night when we went to bed ... using my dumbo and her panda as the kids and Roy and The Lone Ranger as parents.  Kids had wonderful imaginations when I was growing up ... I worry that today's kids who dive into video games at an early age will miss that part of their development.  Anyway, both pictures started out as sketches, then painted in photoshop (I color them with colored pencils, but they don't scan in well) and some digitalizing to finish off.  So, Hi Ho Silver and Gettum up Scout ... and I am out of here.  My FH and I are scheduled to get our first shots on Saturday (finally) and the process begins.  :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Elkes Lebensglück said...

Two great creative pictures are a challenge and I am also very inclined that our children grow up differently today, more negative with all the internet stuff and addictions than in the past.
I wish all the best what you plan to do, hug Elke

by EAGHL said...

Great Roy Rogers and Trigger and Lone Ranger and Tonto. Watched their shows when I was a kid and loved them.

Christine said...

Great job with Lone Ranger and Tonto Andrea!

Elephant's Child said...

I 'think' my brothers watched Westerns. They had no appeal for me.
Hooray for getting your shots (and hopefully an appointment for the next).

Gillena Cox said...

Luv your art of the Lone Ranger and Tonto

Happy Thursday

much love...

Tom said...

...I grew up with Lone Ranger and Tonto and Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Thanks for the memories.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Nice to see Lone Ranger got a mention! have been visiting all the blogs taking part in Rains challenge - I can't paint western, but enjoyed seeing everyone elses.

Rain said...

I love your sketches Andrea!! :) I loved Roy Rogers too, though I haven't seen too much of the Lone Ranger! I'm so happy you are getting your mention of when we'll have them here in New Brunswick.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Despite a dew hiccups here and there vaccinations are happening, and we have a reasonable chance that by the end of the year things may be back to normal. Mask-wearing may be become standard practice for many even beyond COVID, I suspect.

NatureFootstep said...

Roy Rogers and the Lone Ranger seem so far away back in time. It is almost hard to belive I was actually a child once.
I met a family the other day. Mother and two kids in teh snow. The youngest boy was playing in the snow. The other wanted to show me something on his phone. Why on earth does kids have phones outdoors? I deeply feel that is wrong.

Take care Andrea. Hope you get your shots!

CAAC said...


As a kid I watched the Lone Ranger as well as Roy Rogers. Those old westerns were a lot of fun. After the kids were born, Roy Rogers' films often ran on our local station each Saturday. Our son, especially enjoyed watching those old movies. Your sketches are fabulous! I really like Roy Rogers riding Silver. Great, great job! I'm sorry for running behind on my visit, my dear. ;)

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hello Andrea, great to know you will have your shots soon! I agree when I see everyone on their phones in restaurants including small kids I feel so sad the art of conversation and play are being lost! High Ho Silver away - great to see your art! Have posted some of our Bangkok Art group this week
Wren x

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...