Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Mysterious and Dark

Mysterious and Dark

So all of these are from the archives.  I am not sure where the week went, but by the time I got to Wednesday, I didn't have time to create anything new.  Hope to do better next week :)  Still waiting to get my vaccine ... the sooner the better as I am the one who has to go out to shop for us :(  Fingers crossed we all make it through this.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Board Games and Game Night

Board Games & Game Night

It has been years since sat at a chess board and honestly, I can't remember how to play it, but it is the first board game that came to mind when I read Rain's prompt.

And this is me dreaming of a friendly game of bridge with my friends ...
I used digital editing and some pictures from public domain to arrive at this.   It was fun albeit a bit challenging.  

This is the first day of our new life in America ... I pray that everything keeps moving in a positive direction and we can get our democracy back.  And, not forgotten ... stay safe and be well, the Covid beast is still running rampant.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Birds and the Sky

Birds and ...

Female Downy Woodpecker

American Kestrel

 Whooping Crane

Coopers Hawk


White Pelican


White Pelicans

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Crane

The Sky

Birds have been my thing for years so I have many, many photographs I could share, but I picked a few that I liked and a few that I created.  As for the sky ... now, with the advent of cameras in our phones, we can capture sky shots that are spectacular.  Before you had to depend on having your camera with you ... one good thing about modern technology :)  This was a fun post and the best part of it was that it distracted me from the horrible goings on in our country.  We have some very angry people in our country and they don't seem to have a grasp on reality ... that is a combination that leads to disaster and so far that is exactly where it is going.  And on top of it all, these same people don't think they have to wear masks and keep a distance so it is one tragedy on top of another.  I am grateful my parents aren't here to see this.  They would be devastated, as am I.  Is there hope?  Some days I think so and others, well, I just can't be sure.  Keep your heads down and follow the CDC guidelines and maybe we will survive this mess.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... A Facial Feature

A Facial Feature 

I wasn't sure how to approach this prompt, but I decided to go to some of the art books I have and try drawing some of the facial features in their illustrations ...

This young lady with her facial features is done in the Jane Davenport style.  Then, of course, I did a little digital editing to enhance it.  

And just when you think things couldn't get worse ... things got worse.  Our country is in deep trouble and it is 13 days until we are rid of the cause.  Say a prayer everyone ... this isn't going to be easy :(

Andrea @ From the Sol

P. S.  Today (Friday) is usually the day I write my comments, but I am off to the UIC Dental college with my daughter ... so you won't hear from me until tomorrow.  Sorry :(

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...