Thursday, August 20, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain


Niagara Falls



Naughty Little Raccoons ...

Whooping Crane Puppet at International Crane Foundation Dinner ...

Canada Geese

Turkey Vulture

Screech Owl

So, you tell me what you see in this picture :)




The lights on the water are boat lights ... water movement made it impossible to get clear pictures of the boats :)


Digital Art

Most of these have been posted in the past so they may seem familiar to you, but hopefully worth seeing a second time.  All for this week ... Hope this finds everyone well and you are all staying safe ...

Andrea @ From The Sol


Valerie-Jael said...

What a fantastic selection of art and photos! Love the raccons, geese and owls. I love the glowing colours against the night backgrounds. I am sorry you had to say goodbye to your lovely cat, that is always so hard. Have a good week, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

Barbara said...

A stunning display! Is there anything More beautiful than Niagara Falls at night? Also the full moon cannot be rivaled. Your photography is spectacular! Oh, the mystery photo looks like an upside down cat to me. I only know because I have two of them. :-)

Gillena Cox said...

WOW! what a provident feast of art and photos. Happy Thursday


Elkes Lebensglück said...

What breathtaking photos these are and also the painted ones ... Wonderful your post! How sorry I am that your cat is no longer there, you will definitely miss her! It was a pretty cat!
Take care of yourself!Hugs Elke

DVArtist said...

Ohhhhh wow what a spectacular display of night scenes. Have a great day.

Christine said...

Love your night scenes Andrea, spectacular!

CAAC said...


The night shoots are fantastic but I think my favorites have to be of those crazy racoons stealing the bird seeds. I wouldn't want to encounter one of them but they certainly are interesting. :) You photo-edits are pretty cool,too. I love the swans. It almost looks like a negative. :)

Elephant's Child said...

Simply glorious.
I am so sorry to read about Fonzi. Thank you so much for making the decision to end his pain - despite the pain it causes you.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You have truly outdone yourself this week, Andrea. I especially like the owls and the carnival. The snow scenes are great, too. And of course, your digital art is exceptional. Simply STUNNING. I have several favorites, but they are all great, from photos to art, to digital creations. You have truly made this a stand-out entry this week, dear.

Goodbye, dear Fonzi. I'm sure you will be greatly missed. You were a beautiful boy.

Soma @ said...

So lovely and creative! I love the snow and the owl. I think that is a cat?! Fonzy looks so content in that photo. I am really sorry.

Warm hugs,

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea.
I visited Niagara falls once many years ago with my daughter. Back then there was not that much colorful light going on. I think I liked it better then. It was my first long trip. We celebrated my daughter was finished with school and getting a job, starting adult life. :)

You got a lot of night scenes. Hart to comment on it all. But, thanks for putting me on memory lane. :)

Rain said...

Hi Andrea :))) Oh Niagara Falls at night...I've been there and seen those lovely lights behind the's so magical! Your moon shots are lovely, what kind of camera do you use? I love the raccoons, they always look so guilty lol...the photos of the Canada Geese are spectacular! I see a lazy dog or cat in that photo lol! Those are beautiful sunsets and fireworks. I haven't been to a carnival in years....I remember them as a kid, I had so much fun! Your digital art is fantastic, I love all of the owl pieces and that deer looking into the window! Oh no!!! I'm so SO sorry for your loss of sad. I went through that too many times, it's heartbreaking and frightening to decide it was time...I have backed out so many times, then followed through, trying to convince myself it was the best thing to do. Such a horrible pain, I'm so sorry Andrea. Sending hugs xxxx

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...