Thursday, August 13, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Swipe

VanGogh has long been a favorite of mine so what better person to swipe from :)

Digital Paint

I swiped VanGogh's self portrait :)

The Buffy swipes the hot chocolate  ....

Fog swipes across the lake ...

A plane's vapor trail swipes across the sky ...

Soft clouds swipe past the moon ...

A squirrel swipes seed from the bird feeder ...

The sun's reflection swipes out onto the lake ...

The cat's shadow swipes across the wall ...

Wisps of color swipe through the art ...

Izzi's tongue swipes across her nose ...

The morning sun swipes across the sky ...

Chachi takes a swipe at Diva (Chachi is a docile, sweet cat, so you can be sure he was antagonized by Diva, who goes by the name of Devil Child :)

Diva's tail swipes across the counter top ...

It is hard to say which is swiping what here, but there are definitely swipes :)

The view from a train window swipes by ...

Well, this was fun ... what next?  I don't know how Rain comes up with all of these challenging prompts ... Thank you, Rain, for keeping our minds working during these difficult times :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


CAAC said...


You did a nice likeness of VanGogh. He was a master of swipe artwork. :) Nature makes beautiful swipes across the landscape. I love driving through the mountains when it's really foggy. It passes over the road like the ocean tides sometimes - very cool! Cat swipes are funny. That reminds me of our kitty. The world outside a moving vehicle swipes by for sure. Great job! Have a doodletastic day, my friend!

Curious as a Cathy

Kokopelli said...

Since I'm not a native speaker to the English language, I learn a lot from this week's TAD theme. So many different meanings in swipe. Fun! Love your photos!

Christine said...

Wonderful uses of swipe here Andrea!

Gillena Cox said...

Nice responses to the prompt

Happy Thursday


NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea, you share many ways of swiping things. I have two favorites among them. It is the fog over the lake and Diva on the counter top. Love the way she sits and the shadows. A very graphic image. :)
Take care.

Elephant's Child said...

Van Gogh is one of my favourites too. I always find it so sad that he was unappreciated in his own times.
Love your quirky takes on this prompt.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Cool this idea with the Van Gogh and also the other pictures on the subject! The cats are fun and well chosen as are the other photos!
I wish you a nice weekend, hugs Elke

DVArtist said...

You hit the "swipe" theme right on the nail. I love your Van Gogh art and your fog and cat photos are my faves. Have a great weekend.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea :) Great minds think alike! I love your Van Gogh! Very well done. I was going to recreate the painting Starry Night, but I just couldn't find the time (or patience many swipes)...I love all of your photos too. The squirrel is cute, I've seen that scene many a time lol...the "wisps of colour" swiping through art is beautiful. Devil Child sounds like our Dana...our other two cats are docile and Dana likes to stir things up, he's such a bugger. Oh and you're welcome for the prompts! I actually came up with all of them last November on an night where we lost power, I was just full of ideas as I was forced to be off the internet I guess lol! :) I have to think of 2021 soon! :) By the way, I'm glad you watched those 3D art videos, they are so much fun, I want to try more, then maybe attempt one on my own! I say that now, but I don't know that I'll find time! I would freak out if I saw a bear swimming across the lake I was fishing in! I really didn't know they swam!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Oh they do indeed swim so there is no escaping by going in the water ... scary thought.:( Maybe you could get some of your followers to give you some idea's on prompts. I know that is what Sue does from time to time. Anyway, I think of one now and then, but if you were to ask me right now, I would draw a blank. I am going to try a 3D one of these days for one of your prompts ... have to work up my courage though. Have to run ... I will try to stop by tomorrow (Sunday) if I get the chance. Have a great rest of the week, Rain.

Andrea @ Form the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...