Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain


Summer Plans

I almost laughed when I read Rain's prompt ... summer plans?  We are still basically in shutdown and even when we do go out it is mainly for necessity.  I know, I know ... the country is opening up :(  ... way too soon I am thinking.  The virus is still running rampant and now with all of the demonstrations, it will gain a new stronghold.  Summer plans?  I will have to give that some thought.  But, while I am thinking of it, it is not a bad idea to plan ways to spend a summer in a time of social distancing :)

First let me say that it frustrates me that I can't go out and join others in the demonstrations.  If there is anything I would plan to do this summer, it would be that ... but, as I am an old poop (i.e. high risk) I don't dare venture out.

Instead I will be following this historic movement and supporting it in any way I can from home ...

My summers always center around family and friends ...
Going to the pool or local activities with my Granddaughter
and her friends.

butterfly house

 Strawberry or cherry picking with my son, his wife, my Granddaughter and her friends ...

 Out to lunch with the girls or sitting on the YaYa bench with my friend ...

 Maybe taking a trip to a favorite spot in the USA ...

 And, of course, spending time with my raptors  ...

Sadly, since most of these activities are not likely, I will be focusing on other things like ...
 Going out to get my hair cut ... ugh.  It has been months and I normally get a  trim every 6 weeks.  Believe me, I need a hair cut :(

  We moved my computer down to our apartment.  My office is on the main floor, but as both my son and his wife are working and necessarily exposed to the outside world, I try to minimize my exposure to them.  Working on my Thursday Art Date With Rain is one of my favorite things to do.

 Reading ...

Some of these are books I have read, some books are waiting to be read and the last one, I just ordered on Amazon ... I like to keep current with what's on people's minds.

Exercise ...

I get most of my exercise going walking with Izzi and Poppy, but as we seem to be taking shorter and shorter walks, I am eyeballing my husbands exercise bike.  It will take a swift kick in the pants to get me on it, but I like to think that it is among my plans for the summer.

My daughter is home now so I have things I do with her or for her.  She is on an exercise program so I rag her about that, fix her meals and manage her medications.  Slowly she is taking over and doing more for herself ... 

Working in my garden takes up a lot of my time and energy ... I love doing it except pulling the weeds that seem to come back as fast as I pull them.  

I am already running late so I will stop here though I know I could go on and on ... :)  Be Well ... Be Safe Everybody :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Taken For Granted said...

Enjoyed your plans for the summer. Don't worry about hair cuts. As we learned in the 1960s, hair does not matter. With the pandemic you can cook, exercise, read, go for walks, shoot pictures, and maintain this blog.

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Andrea, I hope some of your summer plans will come to fruition. This will certainly be different to usual summers for most people. I'm trying to concentrate on the good things I see and not let myself get pulled down by the bad situations everywhere and just hope and pray for a wonder. Stay safe and well, hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

Loving this glimpse of your crowded and busy life.
Stay well, stay safe - and keep reading and gardening.

Christine said...

Lovely summer plans, enjoyed your photos!

DVArtist said...

Well you are keeping busy and that is a good thing. I too think opening is not a good idea. Oregon is in phase 2 and our spikes are higher than what we had before. Also people here just don't care. They are out and about, no mask, no distancing, and no respect for the few of us that do the above.
We can only do what we can do to keep safe.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I loved seeing your plans for the summer, even if you can only do it in your dreams. Like you, I don't plan to leave my property until this virus is under control. I also think the country is opening too soon, but I'm a pessimist at times.

Our hair salons will open in the next phase and I need a haircut, too. My last one was in January, so you can imagine how badly I need one.

I loved seeing how you stay busy with your daughter and your gorgeous garden. I know this is a summer like none any of us expected, so at least we have something to think about for (hopefully) next summer. Stay safe and healthy, dear Andrea.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

hello andrea, you have a lot of plans even if you can't get out so much by helping the corona with your daughter, getting fit, in the garden. Nice to see your summer plans that are still dreams but hope that one day they can be fulfilled.
A great contribution to Rain's topic
Take care and stay healthy, hugs elke

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea, you have a beautiful family to spend your time with. My daughter lives two hours drive from me so I don´t see her often. She also had an operation in her lower spine and don´t want to get exposed either to risk the C. When I visit her it is on rather warm days and we can spend time outdoors.

I have a lot of my art on my walls now, will probably show more of them soon. I am also planning to arrange the watercolors and Carbonpaper art and hang them too on wall. I am planning to put them in plastic A4 files and staple them together in rows. Will see if it works as I think.
Take care of yourself and your family.

The Queen Jester said...

I haven't seen you for a while, but then I've been off Blogger for a bit myself. There's a reason it's young people protesting. When I saw them taking a knee or laying in the street I was thinking about how hard it would be to get back up. :)

Rain said...

Hi Andrea :)) I'm so happy to see your daughter home and safe. An exercise plan...well, honestly I'd be happier to be walking in the woods, but I don't really know these woods yet and apparently we have coyotes and bears. I heard the coyotes a few times already so I'm sticking to the road for now. I have one of those mini-trampolines that I bounce around on during the winter months but I'm thinking I might take that out for the summer too. Cherry picking sounds like fun! Oh I love that photo of you with the raptor!! I'm so happy to hear that the art date is fun for you! :) I just gave myself a hair cut today and the back is all crooked lol...Alex said he'd fix it! :)

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