Historical Events
I tried to choose events that I experienced in my youth ... events that left a lasting impression on me.

When I was in grade school Polio was something we all feared. Once in awhile one of our classmates wouldn't show up at school and later we would hear that they had polio ... it was a scary time just as we are living through another scary time today. I can remember that one summer we were not allowed to leave our yards to play with our friends. It was a long summer, needless to say. We would call out to each other and play games that you can play at a distance. I was lucky to have a sister I could play with at home . I still have friends that suffered the effect of polio and it apparently creates even more issues as they get older. A sad time with a sad result, but a cure was found and it had been abated. Recently some people have been campaigning against vaccines and now an occasional case of polio appears, just as in our country today, some people won't follow the science to stop the spread of the virus ...I fear there are more scary times ahead ...
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
November 22, 1963
I was in College when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
He had come to the campus to campaign and I was a fan. The shock of having our President shot sent a ripple of anguish and fear through all of us. We watched the funeral in dead silence on our Televisions ... I can still fill the pain to this day.
The most obvious event is the pandemic we are experiencing today. The whole world is experiencing this virus and everyone has a different approach to containing it ... we (The USA) have no approach. Every state is left to it's own volition and seemingly, based mainly on which party you are in, the people of the state are left to making an individual choice ... "Do we follow the science or do we follow the President?". Sadly those choices effect everyone. Every person who goes out into a group without a mask and without maintaining social distance can have an effect on the lives of every person they come in contact with ... and many more have died than should have. My choice has been to stay home though I do have to go to the store occasionally. I take every precaution, but still see people in the store not wearing a mask and not concerned about keeping a distance ... so like everyone else, I am at risk. Will this event go down in history as the truth of the failure of our government or will there be a cover up ... only time will tell. We can all pray that we are still here to fight for the truth.
Andrea @ From the Sol
Andrea @ From the Sol
Hi Andrea. Great post today. You have touched on events with which we all grew up, and which influenced us. I grew up in London with people of all faiths and colours, united by the fact that all were poor and didn't have much. But we learned to work with another and to make our own way in life and that is worth a lot. We have seen many examples of bad management, to put it politely, during this latest corona crisis, and I know it has been worse in the States than here. Most people here stick to the rules, but of course, there are always the eternally stupid ones who say they have a right to do what they want when they want etc....Let's hope we stay safe, and that a vaccine will soon be found. Hugs, Valerie
What an incredible post, Andrea. So well thought out and so well put, too. Sadly, I don't remember any of these events, except the killing of Kennedy. Although I was quite young, I will never forget where I was when I learned he died. My grandmother (grandparents raised me from birth) was crying and I asked why. She told me the president had been shot. Sort of like 9/11. We all know where we were when that happened, too.
I live in KS and we have experienced a huge outbreak of deaths due to Trump INSISTING all meat packing plants MUST stay open. Today, his thinly veiled attempt to visit PA to visit a PPE plant is just a disguised attempt to get the govt. to pay for his latest rally that should come out of his own pocket. After all, he has SO much more money coming in than Biden has.
Sorry. Off my soapbox now. I did want to thank you for your concern over my health. I assure you, I have been NOWHERE since March 15. I don't allow anyone in my home, and I disinfect everything that comes in, including my mail. I even disinfect my mailbox once a week. I wear gloves and a mask when I'm in my front yard, and gloves only in my back yard, which is enclosed.
I apologize for not visiting last week. I got sick right after I linked. I hope you will accept my sincere apology.
Please stay safe, times are really hard right now. In so many aspects. I really feel for all my blogger friends, especially those in the USA.
Wow you chose such meaningful times to remember Andrea! Well done.
Hang on to hope.
It is a fragile essential.
It's a touching story, thank you
Unfortunately, I had to grow up among parents and people from a sect who were terribly inhuman to other people and to me as a child.
All people can love no matter whether tall, dark-skinned, white-colored, different religions, fat or big. I say you just have to love everyone.
Bad with the virus and I hope that we all come out healthy you and me and around us who have died should be a reminder for us that everyone is safe with masks and hygiene and everything. With me, too, they walk as if there were nothing, reckless people.
I wish you all the best and take good care of you, hugs Elke
I recall the prejudice of years of ago. My dad was horrible prejudice and my mother less so. As years went by my dad heart lighten.
What an excellent post today. These are all events and people that have a profound influence on me and my family. Thank you so much for highlighting these positive events, especially in these dark days as we see our basic social institution buckling and crumbling in the face of the novel Coronavirus. Let us hope we can once again rise to this challenge and improve our society.
Thank you for this post.
Hi Andrea, thank you for you long, and thoughtful comment on my blog today. We must be close to the same age as I was also an undergraduate student when Kennedy was assassinated. What a terrible time. I met and photographed Robert Kennedy in Lincoln, Nebraska at a campaign stop on his way to California where he too was assassinated. Thank you for looking at my daily posts. I do enjoy photography, and one of these day I might even take a good picture. Some days are better than others.
I'm a water lily too Andrea! I love them. Your lily photos are so pretty, but I have to say that poppy is gorgeous. Oh the smiley sunflower made my day!!!
Hi Andrea, seems like I left the flower comment on the wrong post lol...but you get the idea. So now on to THIS post! I remember the threat of polio, but I was born AFTER there was a vaccination. We had polio shots when I was a kid. I think that prejudice is just as rampant as a way of life now as it ever was, but it's more hidden now under the guise of being "PC". I think that this pandemic is more a blotch on humanity than any government. I'm not arguing with you, I hope you don't think that!! :) I just think that people have minds of their own. They need to step up and take things seriously and do what's right for themselves and their loved ones. There are people here who are not social distancing either, and the onus is on them at this point. We all know the dangers. There is a case here where a doctor left the province on personal reasons, lied about where he was when he crossed the border, then didn't self-isolate for 14 days. He tested positive for Covid and during that time when he didn't self-isolate, he saw over 200 patients and interacted with hundreds of health care workers, family and friends (and likely many more strangers). He's already infected 8 people officially and there will likely be criminal charges against him. Our government put down the rules but he chose to do his own thing anyway. I think that goes for your government too. If your president sets down certain guidelines (or lack of them), it's up to the individual to get their brains in order and do the right thing! Oh my, I usually keep my opinions to myself lol...I got on some kind of pedestal there hee hee! I have 5 clean masks in my purse at all times and I don't know if I will ever feel comfortable out in public anymore, even if they do find a vaccine/cure.
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