Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Your Flower

I am a Pisces, so my flower is the Water Lily.  I can't say I am disappointed because I love Water Lilies and have, over the years, taken many pictures of them.  These are just a few ...

I have been taking pictures of flowers for years so picking out my favorites took quiet a bit of time.  I am sure I will run across pictures that I over looked and wish I had included, but for now these are a few of my favorites :)

I searched for the original of the sun flower with the bees making it look like a Smiley Face, but somehow in the switching to my new computer, I have misplaced it.  So I added a reduced version that I use for my blog. *

Even in death, the lilies are beautiful ...

My beautiful daughter-in-law showing the size of the Hibiscus Flower compared to her hand ...

It has been relaxing and enjoyable escaping into my computer files during these difficult times.  So far we are all well and I send my prayers out to all of you that you are in a safe place and remain well.

Andrea @ From the Sol

*Of course I found it after I had already posted ... sorry if any of you missed it.



Valerie-Jael said...

I'm glad to hear that you and your family are all safe and well, and hope and pray that it continues so. Your photos are all beautiful. I love all flowers, from exotic to wild flowers, and always feel good surrounded by these beautiful creations. My fave photo today is the cat sniffing the flowers. My cat often sniffed at the flowers and would sometimes jump back or sneeze, and then go back for the next sniff! It was so funny. Have a great day, take care stay well. Hugs, Valerie

Karen said...

Lot's of beautiful lilies ~ That Hibiscus is the biggest I've ever seen ~ Amazing! Blessings ~

Elephant's Child said...

Bright, beautiful - and hopeful.
Many thanks.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

This is a wonderful post on Rain's topic! With all the diversity of the floral world and just like the animals,
I am happy that you are well and stay healthy!
Greetings Elke

Christine said...

Stunning Lily photos Andrea!

Gillena Cox said...

Beautiful responses to the flower prompt

Happy Thursday


Valerie-Jael said...

Wow, Andrea, what fabulous photo, Just wonderful. And now I am making a smiley face. Thanks. Enjoy your Weekend, stay safe and well. Hugs, Valerie

LA Paylor said...

andrea, thank you lots for visiting and leaving a great comment! I posted more paintings today actually, including a poppy I love them. The hibiscus is enormous in your daughter's hand! Lets keep in touch... the country is so depressing but we're still here trying to live a creative life anyway! LeeAnna at not afraid of color

NatureFootstep said...

LOVE your sunflower face at the end of the post. Remided me of a sunflower I saw in y town a few years ago. Somebody had "shaved" out eyes and a moth in the middle of the flower. Looks cool. :) And made me smile too.

I love the lilies and poppis too. BTW, who doesn´t?
Glad to find you healthy :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...