Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

There are all kinds of Messes we could refer to on this prompt ... I am guessing that Rain is thinking about the mess that comes with a move and especially with a 14 day Quarantine!  
Too me, this is messy hair ... but, I am guessing, not to her :) 

But, in my mind, The Corona Virus in the United States is the Biggest Mess of all!

Hmmmm ...

And, left unsaid ...  STAY HOME!

Freedom comes with responsibility.  Yes we have rights, but only as long as we respect the rights of others.  In a world-wide Pandemic, the law should be 


I get it that some people won't understand that, but our National leadership ???

What a mess!

Andrea @ From the Sol


Valerie-Jael said...

Oh yes, the world is in a big mess and chaos reigns! And some leaders can't lead themselves let alone others. I hope we will soon find a way to lead us into a less chaotic future, but we will have to be patient. Some people here in Germany are starting to forget the rues already! Stay safe, have a good week, take care of yourself. Hugs, Valerie

Karen said...

Our current situation is a "messy" one for sure ~ Like I tell me girls, you keep doing the right thing regardless of what others may be doing. Blessings and well wishes to you ~

Elephant's Child said...

Your President, his ego and his entourage are dangerous. For your country and the world.

Christine said...

Truly what a mess! Good post Andrea.

Gillena Cox said...

Oh yes the novel corona has put planet earth in a big messy mess

Thanks for dropping by my blog today Andrea. STAY SAFE

Elkes Lebensglück said...

The world is a chaos and you show it right here and also our inner chaos is big because of the virus, dead, starving etc. but also with the weather whether hurricane or drought, forest burned!
You see it correctly and have responsibility towards other people and don't just want to be enjoyable.
Thanks for your posting!
Have a good time, hug Elke

NatureFootstep said...

ouch, I am really getting tired of the big C. We have good people running this business, but people comes with stupid comments that really tells me they understood nothing. They are just mean. :(

Love the messy hairdo :)
Take care, stay safe.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea :)) I love messy hair! Mine is a constant mess these days, but I'm embracing it. :) I have to say I'm ANGRY when I see crowds of people...and those who refuse to keep their distance. That happened to me in the grocery store. This idiot came waltzing in, didn't clean his hands, no mask, whistling like a moron (does he realize that spit comes out when whistling???)...and walked right behind me in the grocery line. I lost it on him and yelled "Sir, keep your distance!" He was taken aback but he deserved it! Yes, my world is a mess...we have about a week to go and we still have so much to do!!! :)

vesseys said...

No easy clean-up...

DVArtist said...

You said and showed it all. The world is a big mess.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...