Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Signs of Spring

(Colored Pencil)

(water color)

Migrating cranes

My friend had hundreds of tadpoles in her pool.  We scooped them out, put them in pails and took them to a nearby stream.  I am guessing the flying insect population dropped in that area :)

Time flies when you are having fun, so they say, but I have found that time also flies when you are not having fun ... Go figure!  So here we are another week under our belts and still no progress toward getting rid of the beast.  It would seem that this is going to be a long drawn out affair ... Stay safe everyone.  Don't be tempted to go out  or back to work before it is time ... and logic, good sense and science will tell us when that is.  

Andrea @ From The Sol

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

There are all kinds of Messes we could refer to on this prompt ... I am guessing that Rain is thinking about the mess that comes with a move and especially with a 14 day Quarantine!  
Too me, this is messy hair ... but, I am guessing, not to her :) 

But, in my mind, The Corona Virus in the United States is the Biggest Mess of all!

Hmmmm ...

And, left unsaid ...  STAY HOME!

Freedom comes with responsibility.  Yes we have rights, but only as long as we respect the rights of others.  In a world-wide Pandemic, the law should be 


I get it that some people won't understand that, but our National leadership ???

What a mess!

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain


This was a fun prompt and I kept getting more ideas for "Bubbles", but I finally ran out of time ...

Hope you are all well and still following the safety
 directions .  :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain


Nothing feels like Easter here ... there are no church services, the stores are stacked full of Easter candy and stuffed bunnies, but no decorations at home.   The only thing that says "Easter" to me now is that it is warm outside and there are flowers blooming ... not many, but it is definately feeling like Spring.  So I did what I could with this prompt ... I do wish you all a wonderful Easter in hopes that you are able to find ways to celebrate that holds meaning for you.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, April 2, 2020

How to clean your groceries when you bring them in the house ...

Staying Safe ...

Who knew ... Hope this helps you all stay safe :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Stencil Art


Stenciling is not something I normally do so I was struggling with the concept a bit.  I think I lost the stencil parts once I colored in, but as I was pleased with the outcomes , I left them.  We are still struggling with the idea of being in the house all of the time, but having Rain's prompts to distract me has been a godsend.  Thank you, Rain and all of you who join in this fun ... you are making my day ... my week and who knows however long this will be :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...