Monday, December 16, 2019

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Christmas Lore and Stories

Little Drummer Boy

classic version

Old Fashioned Version

Yikes ... a modern version !

There are so many Christmas Stories, but this is one of my favorites so I focused on  "The Little Drummer Boy".  I'll be curious to hear your responses to the three different versions ... :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Rain said...

Hi Andrea :)) I love your post! The Little Drummer Boy was always a tear-jerking song for me, I don't know why...maybe it's because of the classic stop-animation tv show I watched...I actually have that show on my hard drive and watch it each year and still cry when he plays the drum!!! I love the Bowie/Crosby version so much! I remember when it came out, it was so neat! :) As for the modern version...not so much lol...but it's very interesting to hear a "rock" style version of it like that! Thanks so much for joining in and HAPPY HAPPY MERRY MERRY BUTT WIGGLING CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!! xxxxx :)

Elkes Lebensglück said...

a nice thought out post by you with the videos, I also love the drummer boy song but also the other and your beautiful picture this is so beautiful!
Happy Merry christmas!!!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful post Andrea. The little drummer boy is one of my fave song, thanks for sharing the various versions, and I was especially happy to hear the Crosby/ Bowie one, really fantastic. Thanks. Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas. Hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

I love your choice and your art!

Christine said...

you know I kind of like the modern one too!

DVArtist said...

I can tell you thought this out. Very well done. I am old school and like the original best.

NatureFootstep said...

my favorite is Bing and David´s :)
Listen to the modern one I change my mind. That one is teh first , bing and David is second. I still listen to pop. :)

Merry Christmas
Monica- NatureFootstep

CAAC said...


I remember watching 'The Little Drummer Boy' when I was a kid. I always felt so bad for Erin. His heart was filled with so much hate but in the end, the hatred melted when he played for the little baby Jesus. Bing & David's duet is always nice to hear. The modern rendition you shared is new-to-me but a great discovery. You ought to link up with the Monday's Music Moves Me (4M) dance party this week. Have a joyful and blessed Christmas Day, my dear. Your art is spot on for the occasion. You and I were thinking alike. ;)

Cathy Kennedy said...

Andrea, here’s my Monday’s Music Moves Me post where you can link up:

Next Monday is our last week for Christmas music and then we’ll be back our regular schedule of one week your choice music and the next a theme. At the top left of my blog look for my page 4M Mewsic Prompts for January’s line up. Have a lovely Christmas, sweetie!

CAAC said...


Don't worry about finding to the time to link up. I went ahead this morning and added this post to the 4M linky party, so relax! I gotcha covered. Have a very Merry Christmas, dearie! xx

Alana said...

The Little Drummer Boy only dates from 1941 but it has become quite the classic. I have to admit, the Classic version is my favorite, perhaps from hearing it on TV growing up in the 1950's. Enjoyed having you join our group!

XmasDolly said...

Wow! I am impressed I must say! Personally, I cannot hear that version in a church, but to entertain... definitely. Thanks for entertaining!

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...