Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Scribble Picnic

Pillow fights and over nights, that's what came to mind when the prompt from Micheal was Pajamas.  Girl time was always fun and full of laughter,  the telling of secrets and the, not usually allowed, late night snack ... popcorn as I recall.  Oh how I would look forward to those over nights as a kid and oh how I didn't as a parent.  It usually meant a night without sleep and a few days of dragging after the fact.  But, life is good and Pajama parties are fun and now that I am older and even my grandchild is off to college it is one of the times I miss and will probably never experience again.  Thanks, Micheal for great memories :)



Rain said...

That's a cute drawing Andrea...and nice memories. I remember the pj parties too. I went to many as a kid and we always had so much fun. It was a thrill to stay up late and watch tv or dance and eat lots of junk lol! :) Now though, I can't usually make it past midnight!

Elephant's Child said...

Love the memories your 'scribble' contains. We didn't have sleep-overs. I suspect my parents valued their sleep and sanity.

Christine said...

This is such a fun one! Andrea your SP link took me to last week's entry.

Christine said...

oh sorry I was looking at last week's SP page, guess Michael doesn't have the new one up yet.

Wanda said...

I miss those parties too. When my girls were small, we had so many pajama parties, and pillow fights are a must at one of those.

Your darling sketch just reminds us how much fun there were...

Serena Lewis said...

Lovely sketch, Andrea, and sweet memories. I never went to a Pyjama party or sleep-over when I was growing up. My parents were very strict and protective. My kids and their cousins would often have their sleep-overs at each others houses though. Always lots of fun so I have those fond memories. :)

Lorraine said...

I like your pajama party. It looks like a lot of fun. Those were the days!

joeks said...

I can hear the giggles in your picture!
Thanks for taking me back to the many sleep-overs I had with my best friends in grade school, as well as those my girls had with their friends. Good memories of such fun times!

Edna B said...

What a wonderful and fun sketch. Nice job. You have a great day. Hugs, Edna B.

Michael said...

Well, Andrea, if you are still spritely enough, maybe as a great grandma? But yes, that would be in a while, I'm sure. What a weird concept--I doubt I will xp that again either unless as gramps? Hmm.. You know, we never had anyone over for the night ever growing up. No one did of the people we knew in London but that might have well changed by now, I'm sure. So, when my kids got to have nightovers, it was quite the new xp and you are so right--little sleep, keeping an eye and ear out for them etc.

This is a wonderful ode and well drawn piece for the theme. great job!

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...