Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

Bong Nature Reserve, Wisconsin

It has been my experience that Bong is either overflowing with wildlife or there is basically nothing in sight ... today the pickings were very slim, but worth the effort.  
 This handsome Red Tail female (based on her size) juvenile (based on eye color) was watching us closely as we passed.

We went a long way before we saw anything else and even it was barely in range of my camera ... this is a Green Heron resting on a tree next to the pond.  I am assuming all the birds were taking a siesta. We did see a few small birds, but they were too far away for me to get a clear shot so we just enjoyed the views around the park.  



Elephant's Child said...

Despite the slim pickings it looks a wonderful day.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

At last it was not a wasted journey but got some shots

Stewart M said...

Thats a very nice hawk.

I was told a little about the rock art, and I will do some reading (as you predicted!). The rock faces have been used as art sites for at least 40,000 years (!), although most of the images you can see today are less than 2000 years old. The image the white man is one of the top layers (i.e. recent) of painting. There will be more images to come!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Janice said...

Do love to watch hawks! Nice capture.

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