Friday, September 23, 2016

Paint Party Friday




Gillena Cox said...

scary science!!!,
Happy PPF

much love...

Christine said...


Edna B said...

I agree, scary science! But then, man just can't seem to stop sending all sorts of stuff into outer space. No, I won't go on a little rant about it here. Today I've decided to be good all day.

I even went to get two vaccine shots this morning. One for the flu and one for pneumococcal pneumonia. I just don't want to get sick again like I did a couple of winters ago. I do hope you've had your shots too.

Our temps are beginning to cool down a bit. I'l bet Izzi is loving the cooler days and cold evenings. How is she doing now? Almost back to her old self? Pogo sends woofs and a big lick.

Today we have a simply gorgeous breeze that has my flags waving softly against the green of the trees. Toss in a blue sky and it's a simply beautiful day. Tomorrow though, temps are supposed to cool down a bit for about a week. Maybe longer. I guess that means that Autumn is settling in. Most of our trees are still green though. We just need a bit of rain to complete the perfect weather we've been enjoying.

Now I'm off to rustle up some lunch for Pogo and me. You have a super weekend my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

Giggles said...

Oh this is wonderful.... Love the question mark on fate!

Hugs Giggles

DVArtist said...

Very insightful art. I LOVE IT!!!!

NatureFootstep said...

lol. I saw a program about the HUBBLE telescope the other day Might be one of it´s images :) I love space so I love the art.

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