Friday, August 28, 2015

Izzi Speak


 I know this place.  My Moms takes me here to "cleans me ups", as she puts its ...

 I really don'ts mind goings because I gets to plays with other dogs ...

 And, I has my owns groomers who I really likes ...

Buts, she does bads things to mes.  She makes me takes a baths, then she cuts my hairs and pulls bunches of my hairs outs and she evens cleans my bum.  And the worst parts is she cuts my nails.  By the times my Moms comes to gets me, I is readys to gos home.  So, why is its that I likes this place?


Feline Art Friday

(also linked to)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Good Fences

This is a railing on the streets of Chicago that go over the expressway.  It is one of several designs ... I think they are pretty cool ...


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Barn Swallow

I spotted this young Barn Swallow while walking around Round Lake with my friend.  I am pretty sure he is a fledgling as he occasionally went into the wing fluttering, food begging mode.  Barn Swallows are beautiful and they eat flying insects i.e. mosquitoes, so they are always a welcome sight.


Badger Boo

My Moms told me that Badger Boos has crossed the Rainbows Bridge.  I saids, what does that means, Moms?  She said, it means he is in a place that is peaceful and he will have no more pains.  That mades me happys for Badger Boos.

But then she says, we won't be ables to sees him or talks to hims anymores. Oh nos ... I will miss my Badger Boos Friend.  Goodbye, Badger Boos ... I will never forgets you.

Love, Izzi

(linked to Our World Tuesday)

NF Trees and Bushes

Lonely Tree in the Meadow


Saturday, August 22, 2015

S-A(R)T-urday Art Linkup

There is something fishy about this one ... I see two happy face sharks and several other characters.  I don't know why I can't just look at a picture and not pick it apart ... find things that is..  

So, yes, there is a character in this one, but I have no idea what to call it ... any suggestions?


Saturday Critters

Groundhogs ...

These are brazen little characters that will let me walk right up to them and talk to them, but if I move my hands or make a noise with the bucket of birdseed that I am carrying, they are gone. Gone until I am gone then back to eat, not only my bird seed, but my daughter-in-laws garden.  Thankfully there seems to be enough to go around, but they better not eat the corn, Ha!

(also linked to ...)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Weekend Reflection

This was just a lucky shot.  As we passed the Palmer House in downtown Chicago, I snapped a picture of the reflected lights and just by chance caught the building across the street in the windows of the Limousine parked out front.  Have a great weekend, everyone :)


Feline Art Friday

(also linked to ...)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

NF DAM Digital Art Meme

I saw this trampled wet newspaper page that had been rained on and torn on the street as I was out walking Izzi ... It caught my eye as being rather artistic and I liked the words on the page ... it felt like I was being reminded to use my old poop brain more creatively ... thoughtfully.   

So have I cultivated any thoughts in your minds?


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

This little House Sparrow fledgling had just been fed by a parent and was patiently waiting for more ...

Where is everybody ... where's my food?  Sigh :(


Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...