Thursday, October 3, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Enclosed

Yummm ...



This is one of my favorite pictures of Fonzi ... his expression says it all :)


Agility buddies ...

Miscellaneous Animals 


Chiang Dao Caves 

Cave in Switzerland ...


"That's all Folks!"

Andrea @ From the Sol


Christine said...

Lovely and sweet takes on enclosed Andrea!

Carola Bartz said...

What a fantastic collection of beautiful photos! The cat in the cooking pot takes the cake, though. I guess I don't have to say what it immediately reminds me of...
I hope you're doing well, Andrea and wish you a lovely weekend. - Carola

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You must have the largest stack of pictures anywhere in the world, Andrea, and have them so organized that you can find them easily to fit any theme. Incredible! As you might imagine, I lean towards the bird images here, especially the owls, but they are all terrific. I hope that all is well in your world. Many hugs - David

Tom said... many takes on enclose, the first one takes the cake.

Rostrose said...

Dear Andrea, you have once again solved Rain's theme challenge brilliantly. Cute animals and great art! And sometimes I had to laugh out loud at the cat pictures 🤩. I'm so behind with my posts that I didn't really contribute anything for Rain - but your pictures made me realize that the photo of my grandson and me in the faux dinosaur egg fits the theme 😉. At some point I'll be able to show white tigers too, because we were recently in Austria's "White Zoo". But as I said, I'm behind. At the moment I'm showing the height of summer, even though it's already gotten so cold here. (And I'm also cold in political terms, because the right-wing party got the most votes here. What's wrong with people?) I'll soon be able to show you more photos from the southwest of the USA - the next post will feature Monument Valley and the Navajo National Monument... But it will probably take a few more days until I've finished the post...
All the best and happy October days,

EricaSta said...

Hubby and myself are laughing about this funny scenes. We love the the cats! ...and of course all the other animals too you sharing here.
Have a wonderful week.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...