Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Mouse


Old Art
From a Christmas card drawn by my sister ...


New Art 


And last but not least ... our family mouser :)

There is more to smile about this week ... our politics took a turn that I find exciting.  
Things are looking up here ... how about you?  

Andrea @ From the Sol


Taken For Granted said...

What great photos of that Owl with its mouse. That is one happy Owl. Not sure how the cat feels about the snow, but it doesn't seem to mind. Cool photo.

EricaSta said...

Yessss, I agree with you about politic. It makes me happy, give me hope!

And I love the drawings again. Funny mices. Meanwhile I`m sad about our cat...

Hugs by Heidrun

Christine said...

Wonderful new and old mouse art Andrea! Yes, the politics have become hopeful!

Elephant's Child said...

I love your work - and yes, I am hopeful for you all.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Fun old and new art.
Mickie and Minnie are beautiful!
The owl looks pleased with dinner.
Enjoy the weekend..

Granny Annie said...

The "got mouse" is a little sad. Good job with the project today.

Tom said... the resistance!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Politics in your country took a wonderful turn. Let’s all hope that Kamala can maintain the momentum and that J. D. Vance (he of The Handmaids Tale) keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Kamala is just what the country needs and a victory for her would bury Trump forever. Hugs - David

Carola Bartz said...

Lovelz art today, Andrea, and I agree with you about the turn in politics. It's a completely new game and people seem to be energized and almost enthusiastic. Hope has returned... - Carola

Cloudia said...

Loved these friend!

"Really ... is Einstein saying that creativity is a waste of time? "

No it is the RESIDUE left from loafing! That's when the eureka breakthrough happens.

" Hope you are enjoying the uptick in our politics."

YES!!! See my poem posting at my blog after East Coast midnight!

" Funny, our news never covers Hawaii in covering our elections. You do vote, right? Just kidding ..."

Yes, I've been campaigning for my state rep already. the primary is important here as we are a solid blue state mostly. Thanks for your cool encouraging comments. Best to YOU Andrea!

Rostrose said...

I just have to grin at the owl's "innocent look". Well, by owl standards it IS innocent, just not by mouse standards ;-) You have a very varied mouse collection for Rain's Linky. I am particularly excited about the adorable Christmas card drawn by your sister!

Thank you for your sweet comment on my New Zealand post and I am very happy that I have made you want to visit this beautiful country. It is really worth a trip. (But Tasmania too ;-)) There will be a continuation of the NZ report soon - currently you can see what my "normal" life has looked like in parts of the last few weeks - and yes, you are right, my life is actually blessed. I am aware of this and I enjoy it - and I am happy to pass some of it on to you and my other friends!

All the best, Traude

Rain Frances Creations ... Vampire and Mummy

Mummy Better late than never, I say ... It has been one of those "can't get caught up" weeks.  But I am still finding time to ...