Pictures taken at the 1915 Fish & Wildlife Expo
This has been a busy week for me so all I could come up with was some coiling pictures. Hope I can do better next week.
Until then, enjoy the Spring that is upon us :)
Andrea @ From the Sol
Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...
Great posting with snake photos!
Have a nice weekend and enjoy the coming spring, hug Elke
Love your take on coils! Always a pleasure to stop by Andrea!
There are two snakes in North America that look much alike except of the order or colors. The King Snake, and the deadly Coral snake. The King snake is harmless, but the Coral Snake is the most poisonous snake in the continent. There is a rhyme to tell them apart. The rhyme goes, 'red touching black, safe for Jack. Red touching yellow, kill a fellow'.
Love your take on Rain's prompt. I will admit to being wary around snakes - perhaps because so many of ours are venomous. Sometimes very venomous.
love your coils, but wonder, I thought that kind of colorful snakes was venomus. But of course it has a roudnded head so probably not.
Love your snaky post. :)
...snakes are a great example of coils, but snakes and I don't do well together! Take care and stay well.
Oh, Andrea, you are a stronger woman than me! Amazing coiling pictures!
Wren x
Oh yeah! My kind of coils. I love snakes. They are beautiful and mysterious. Have a great day.
You are so lucky Andrea. We have very few snakes here in the UK. To see one I would have to make a special journey of many miles, and then not guaranteed to see one - grass snake or adder. When I visited Canada I loved picking up the garter snakes even though they responded in a very smelly way. It's good to hear about your volunteer work at the rescue centre. It must be very rewarding.
Wonderful submission. I bet you will take the trophy for the most interesting and unusual post.
Andrea, I knew you'd have snakes in your post...and not just drawn snakes lol! You are brave, even if I know a snake isn't poisonous, I feel like running away when I see one...I even feel that way when I see a worm lol! :) Great coils!!! :)
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