Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Mrs. Duck arrived at the base of my big tree where I put food out for the wildlife.  Sadly she came too late because it had all been consumed, so there was nothing but the lesson for her babies to learn about where to go to find food ... when it's there.

So I grabbed my camera and by the time I got out there she had already made it down the hill and into the lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Duck have been coming to my feeders for four, maybe even five years.  There are others, but they are the regulars ...

This year Mrs. Duck has only five ducklings ... last year she had ten and they all survived.

So five should be easy for her unless something tragic happens ... don't like to think about that.
  But, so far so good ...
Have a good day, Mrs. Duck ...



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely shots of the Mallard family. Is that rain again?

Mersad said...

Lovely rainy images! :D

Mersad Donko Photography

The Queen Jester said...

It's nice to have extended family that come to visit.

Elephant's Child said...

We have 'repeat' birds at the feeders too. Which I view as old friends dropping in...

Edna B said...

What fun photos of your ducks. Pogo and I love going to the park to watch the ducks and geese, so one of these days we're going to take our lunch and head for the park. DIL Janet is sick in bed so I want to give her a call to see if she needs anything. Gosh, there is so much sickness this year.

I gave Pogo a treatment of Vitamin E yesterday on his skin, and it seems to be helping with the itch. It's quite messy though. And sticky and thick!! I poked holes in the gel tabs and squeezed out the liquid, and that's what I used.

How is Izzi coming along? I'm sure this heat isn't helping. It's going to be hot here for a couple more days before it starts cooling down again.

Pogo is starting to itch again, so it's time to give him the Benedryl and another treatment. You and Izzi be well and have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

marsha said...

lovely photos of the ducklings. Stewie says "Hi" to Izzi

A Colorful World said...

Just wonderful! I'm so glad she was teaching her ducklings where to find some easy food...just sorry it was gone when she got there. You should have them coming for a long time to come! Great pictures!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Love this set Andrea, so wonderful how quickly they grow and watching their parents teaching them the ways for life is always rewarding~

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful post on the duck family. The ducklings are so cute! Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

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