Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... October Spooks ...Villians

October Spooks ...Villain's 

Most of these you have seen before ... only one new art piece :( but, hopefully, I will do better next week.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Broomsticks


Sketched in pencil and colored with colored pencils ... scanned into the computer ( had to scan it twice because it was too big for the scanner) combined the two pictures so I had one whole picture.  Placed in a background picture of the moon and bats and  then, of course, digitally altered and framed in Pic Monkey.  

Pencil sketch, outlined in black ink, scanned into computer, painted in photoshop, digitally altered and framed in Pic Monkey.

A sad note ... we lost our Izzi girl this week to cancer.  She was such a big part of our lives that we feel lost without her.

Izzi came to us as a bundle of energetic happiness ...

She lived with us, but she was really my granddaughter's
dog ... the love of her life for many years.

As my granddaughter's life kept her busy (high school, gymnastics and college) Izzi became more our dog.  Everything Izzi did, she did full throttle and she always had a smile on her face.  Fun loving though she was, in her mind her first job was to protect her family.  Whenever I walked her outside, if a neighborhood dog came toward us, she would step between me and the approaching dog and as they got closer her lip would curl giving a warning ... which I have to say, always worked.  The dog would stand for a minute and then walk away.  There was no question she meant business.

Izzi was part of a family of cats ... she loved her fur friends and they spent a lot of time together.  In the morning she would herd them out to the kitchen for breakfast.  

Izzi was good natured and got along with everyone ... once she got to know them.  She was standoffish with most people until she was sure they were accepted by her family.  She had so many playmates and she loved running and chasing with them.  And sometimes they would go walking with us in the nature preserves.  There was just no end to the fun things we did with our Izzi.

Not all was roses ... Izzi tore the ACL in both of her hind legs and had to have surgery and a long rehabilitation.  It ended her agility career and changed the level of her frisbee game.  But she came through it all still happy and energetic.  
The bottom right picture Izzi is commiserating with her Vet, John, who was also recovering from an injury. 

I was Izzi's outside person ... walking and riding in the car, going to the vet or to a nature center.  We loved walking along the Fox River which is nearby ... Izzi would harras the ducks if they were sunning on the shore line.  
DH was her inside activity person and the treat master (a bone of contention, as she became rather plump in her later years)
We had all kinds of fun things we did with Izzi ... and now that is no more.  Our hearts are broken and our home seems so empty without her.  There is no thought of a new dog as we are old and it wouldn't be fair as they would likely have to be placed in a new home sometime in their lives.  Our wonderful memories of Izzi will have to hold us over.

Note:  I apologize for the messy alignment of this post.  Blogger won't let me align anything and even messes with the size of some of the lettering ... exasperating :(

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Being Watched

 Being Watched

I'm not sure I got this prompt right, but I know that in all of my pictures someone or something is being watched.  I find cats to be the best watchers and Diva is a master at it.  I know I have more to share, but no time to find them all.  So ... that's it for me this week.  Stay safe, stay well and enjoy the lovely cool fall weather ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thursday Art Date with Rain ... Aliens


The best and the scariest alien movie I ever watched was "Alien" with Sigourney Weaver, way back in the 80's.  I have since given up on watching creepy movies ... don't want to stress the old ticker :)

click to enlarge

Done with white ink and pastels on black paper ... then, of course, digitally enhanced :)

This is a more fun picture I did some time ago ... that's supposed to be a piece of the space station in the corner :)

All for this week folks ... stay safe, warm and healthy :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...