Thursday, September 30, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Surrealism ...

Shall I go this way or that way?

Yes Sur, this has been a really interesting prompt,  not easy though, at least not for me.  So it is October tomorrow ... anybody ready for that?  Not me, time is flying way too fast and before you know it we will be seeing our breath in the air and wiping icicles off our noses.  I love the fall the best ... 70 degrees and beautiful trees .  So enjoy while you can everyone  

Andrea @ From the Sol 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Sculpture


 I start with this sculpture done by Marvin Martin, a professor at the U of I College of Art and, incidentally, the father of one of my best friends in Grade School and throughout life.  He taught me to appreciate the effort involved in sculpting and also the talent it took to do it well.

This is a Paper Mache Sculpture that I did while in college taking an art class at the U of I College of Art :)  I think You can see the influence of my friend's father .  My Mother dubbed it "The Over Sexed Water Buffalo" 😁

I spend a lot of time at the Morton Arboretum ... it is a peaceful and beautiful place.

Asian Garden Statues

A Chocolate cake ... Yummm 😁

Chicago Art Museum

A Picasso Sculpture in downtown Chicago ...

Izzi's Pumpkin


This lovely lady was suspended from the ceiling in the Zurich Train Station ... she should look familiar to you as I suspect she is a Niki de Saint Phalle (mentioned in Valerie-Jael's post last week )😄

These are a pair of Sculpy Clay figures made recently by me (the fox) and my Granddaughter (the Penguin).

And, last but not least ... last weekend I joined a group of ladies on a trip to Racine, Wisconsin where we learned how to make blown glass pumpkins ... Quite the experience, I must say .😊

This is only a small sampling of pictures that I have of sculpture ... amazing how we are influenced in our lives.  This was a fun prompt ... thank you, Rain.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Pop Art

Pop Art

The last isn't exactly Pop Art, but it is appropriate for this week.  I am enjoying these artsy prompts and am being reminded of things I thought I already knew :)  Have a great week and enjoy the weather as we move into Fall (My favorite time of year ).

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Minimalism


 Well, once again, most of these are digital art and some are sketches.  Not sure what to call them but I seem to have had a touch of minimalism in my creative eye.  This was a fun prompt for me and I probably, if time would have allowed, could have created many more minimalistic pieces.   But for now, this is it.  Hope all is going well with all of you and you are making the effort to stay safe as the Delta Variant is relentless and nobody is immune.  

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...